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Holiday Security Checklist

CSI | Holiday Security Checklist

Well, winter is over and those of us who didn't get a holiday to the snow this winter will be looking forward to the warmer days and summer holidays. Unfortunately, there are people out there who are also looking forward to the warmer weather for all the wrong reasons.

When it's hot, we all like to open-up our houses, units and businesses to get the breeze. We are also more relaxed - This is the peak beak-in period. With more and more home invasions happening when we are home, this is also the time when we should be more aware. Now is the time to be checking security doors, security screens, locks, keys - making sure all are in good working order and easily accessible.

You should also ensure that if your property is stolen, it is easily identifiable. Engraving and photographing valuables is a good way of identifying your property if you are unlucky enough to have it stolen.

For the lucky ones who will be going on holidays this summer, here are a few tips for securing your house to ensure you have no uninvited guests when you're gone.


  • Make sure you have security doors and screens that meet Australian standards with triple locks, remember: single lock doors are safety doors, NOT security doors.

  • Check that all of your doors, windows and entry points are all secured and locked. I know this sounds obvious, with the excitement around holiday time, something as simple as locking a door is easily forgotten and that is all it takes.

  • NO KEYS UNDER THE MAT or the pot plant! These will be the first places a thief will look. If you're leaving keys, leave them with a trusted neighbour, family member or friend.


  • Don't leave a message letting everyone know that you are on holidays and you won't be home until such and such a date, and turn the beep off!


  • Have a neighbour or friend collect your mail every few days, last thing you want is a letterbox full of mail, this is a green light for want to be thieves.

  • Same with your bins, have your neighbour or friend put out and bring in your bins, having bins sit out for days after will just attract unwanted attention.


  • Have your nice neighbour or friend check your house and cars regularly. Just a walk around to see if there is anything out of place: broken window, jimmied door, or anything that seems odd.

  • Even ask your friend to park in your driveway or move your car out of the garage now and again. The more activity around the house, the better.


  • Check lights and make sure alarms are all in good working order,

  • Always a good idea to have sensor lights around the house.

  • Make sure you pay your bills, you don't want your house plunged into darkness because of an unpaid electricity bill.

So here were a few things I hope will help you guys when you go off and enjoy your holidays this summer.

Remember, when you are sitting in your hotel room about to go to the pool for a swim, or relaxing with a nice wine or beer - the last thing on your mind should be the security of your house.

Get it done before you go, and enjoy those holidays with your family and friends!

Stephen @ CSI

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